School Info


 Details of what the children are learning this term can be found in 'Learning', on each class page.
Pupils at Chantry Community Primary School enjoy a broad and varied curriculum that places the key life skills of literacy and mathematics at its heart. In addition to English and maths lessons each year group follows a science curriculum and enjoys a range of art and humanities. We have achieved Artsmark Gold in recognition of the work we do across the school based on all the arts and the Gold Standard in Games. Our aim is to spark an interest in children in learning that will inspire them for life.


Our English lessons are driven by The Power of Reading program that brings quality texts into the classroom. Each class select a quality text each term and work from this book to teach both reading comprehension and a range of writing genres. The text is then supported by the use of Talk for Writing that supports the teaching of structure. Children are offered many opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences, we aim to foster creativity and personal expression. Good habits of letter formation, spelling, punctuation and grammar are also central to our teaching of English. Our handwriting scheme is intended to develop a legible joined style in all children.

In Reception and Key Stage One we offer a wide range of reading schemes to cater for all children’s interests and to ensure they have access to a broad selection of books. Once they become fluent at reading they move onto ‘real’ reading books and our Key Stage Two Accelerated Reader program. This program ensures they are reading books within each child’s ability level, once a child has completed a book they take a comprehension quiz to check their understanding.


During the Autumn Terms all our classes focus on learning number, this includes place value, the number system, addition, subtraction and for some multiplication and division, fractions and decimals. Although there is some application the main focus is on arithmetic. From there each teacher moves onto the wider maths curriculum, for example, shape and measures, data handling and applying their knowledge to solve problems. We include reasoning in all our maths teaching, this is where children learn to use what they know to solve other calculations or problems. We support our maths teaching with a range of practical apparatus to enable children to ‘see’ number and all children have access to the Mathletics website.


Science is taught as a discrete subject with the focus on investigating a question or problem and drawing a conclusion from the investigation. Teachers will draw on skills from other subjects, for example mathematics and technology. Children’s natural curiosity is harnessed by providing ‘hands on’ experiences, which form the basis for their scientific investigations. Skills in observing, predicting, hypothesizing, measuring, communicating, obtaining and analyzing evidence are developed from Foundation Stage onwards.


Our computing curriculum prepares children for the real world with a secure understanding of online safety issues. The children will be taught about using a range of text and multimedia resources, about data handling as well as ‘Technology in our Lives’.

The focus of the curriculum has shifted towards programming and coding, This begins in their Reception year where children will have access to programmable toys, into Key Stage One where they will develop their understanding of the logical way computers work, they will also start to write simple instructions or algorithms on the computer. This will progress into more complex programming and working with animations in Key Stage Two.

Religious Education

Religious education is given to all pupils in accordance with the Education Reform Act 1988 and the East Sussex County Council Agreed Syllabus. The syllabus is multi-cultural and non-denominational, the main Christian festivals are studied in all year groups and a proportion of children’s learning will be drawn from Christianity but all year groups also learn about another world religion. Our weekly lessons are further enhanced by two R.E. based learning journeys a year.

Daily assemblies are held, during which an act of collective worship takes place; this may be in the form of a whole school, key stage or class assembly. Parents should be aware that the law states that an act of worship must be wholly or mainly Christian in its nature. During our assemblies we also celebrate children’s achievements both in and out of school.

Our strong commitment to the children’s moral and spiritual development runs through all our school values and ethos as we work towards them becoming responsible citizens. We have developed strong links with St Peter’s Church which we visit regularly and where we hold both our Carol Service and our Leavers’ Service every year. We invite the Reverend at St Peter’s into school to support our R.E. and assemblies.

Parents who do not wish their children to be taught the agreed syllabus, or to take part in the short acts of worship held in school, should let us know and we will make alternative arrangements for these children.

Physical Education

At Chantry we promote a healthy and active lifestyle for all our pupils; we encourage children to be as active as possible and celebrate all their achievements in this area. Pupils are taught key skills in dance, gymnastics, team games and outdoor sports; including athletics. Pupils are expected to develop skills that are then applied to a sport. Competitive sport is promoted within the context of a supportive learning environment. We make maximum use of our outdoor area and our school hall. We are very excited about using the new running track we’ve just had installed around the playground.

All children in Year Five have access to a programme of swimming lessons to reach the level of competence required in the National Curriculum.

Arts and Humanities

All teaching of history, geography, art, music and design technology is planned through a learning journey approach whenever possible and where relevant links are made to the Power of Reading text being used in English. These learning journeys provide a time for children to be creative and to nurture their skills and interest in an area outside of English, maths and science. We use both the local environment and local area, e.g. the beach and the De La Warr Pavilion, as much as possible. Bexhill has a very rich history for us to tap into. The development of key skills in each subject underpins all our learning journeys. Every year group takes part in arts enrichment activities each year e.g. Arts weeks, projects, working with artists.


The development of our pupils’ personal, social, health and emotional skills is very important to us. We use a ‘Circle Time’ approach at a level appropriate to the child’s age, maturity and understanding. We draw on the SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) programme and resources to provide termly themes and classroom resources.

The school has a clear policy on Sex and Relationship Education. Our scheme of work enables children to gain an understanding of the working of their bodies, including human reproduction using correct vocabulary. As children move through the school their understanding is gently progressed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.

Sex and Relationship education is always taught in the context of family life, of loving relationships and respect for one another. Children are given time to ask questions in a supported environment and are answered in a manner appropriate to the age and maturity of the children. In Key Stage Two children are given opportunities to work in gender specific groups and to ask questions they may feel uncomfortable to ask in the presence of the whole class.

Parents are given the opportunity to view the teaching resources prior to the lessons and to ask the class teacher any questions they may have.

Additional Information

Additional Information on our curriculum can be found termly on each class page of the website, there is a link to the National Curriculum above and each class teacher hosts a 'Welcome to Year Group' meeting in the Autumn Term where you can ask questions about the curriculum.  If you have any other questions about the curriculum your child is learning please ask their teacher.