Our School

Our School Day

Our School Day


08.35am - Doors Open for early learning time

08.45am - Morning Registration

10.30am - 11.00am - Whole School Assembly (Monday) 

9.00am - 9.30am - Celebration Assembly (Friday)

10.30am - 11.00am – 15 minute Split Key stage breaks (timings dependent on Assemblies)

12.00 - 13.00pm - KS1 Lunch

12.15 - 13.15pm - KS2 Lunch

13.00pm  - KS1 Registration

13.15pm  - KS2 Registration

15.15pm - End of school day


 Compulsory school day from 8.45am to 3.15pm - school day of 6.5 hours, enabling a school week of 32.5 hours.