
Home Learning

At Chantry, the staff and governors believe that working in partnership with parents and carers is crucial in securing good outcomes for all children. In addition to high quality teaching and learning for every child in our school, we believe home learning is vitally important in helping children to consolidate their learning and secure good academic progress year on year. This policy is intended to ensure consistency across the school in terms of home learning practice.

Home learning should enhance learning through:

  • Providing children with the opportunity to practise key skills they have learnt in school
  • Bridging the gap between home and school to provide parents and carers with direct involvement in their child’s learning
  • Encouraging children to develop organisational skills and self-discipline
  • Developing children’s curiosity to carry on their learning outside of the school day and inspires them to investigate deeper, research wider and creatively communicate about their finding
  • To help children prepare for future learning particularly for secondary education where there are more rigorous demands of home learning


While home learning is important, it should not prevent children from taking part other of out-of-school clubs and activities. Home learning should support a child’s education and we endeavour to set work that supports our curriculum as well as developing basic skills.


Useful links for home learning:

Please read our policy for further information.