
Arts News!

We are delighted that we have recently been awarded Artsmark Platinum for the second time! This award recognises our creative approach to learning and the opportunities and experiences that children have at Chantry to develop their arts skills.

On Friday 30th September, we held an Artsmark Celebration Day. This was great fun and the whole school got stuck into some really creative projects. We were so proud to be able to showcase our work at Chantry to the local community including arts organisations, our M.P. Huw Merriman and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bexhill.

We look forward to continuing on our arts journey!

Arts Awards

Year 5 have achieved their Arts Award ‘Discover’. We enjoyed presenting them with their certificates in assembly. They hope to achieve their  ‘Explore’ award later this year. 

Arts Awards and nationally recognised award, celebrating children's individual achievements in the arts.