

Chantry Community Primary School monitors attendance closely as we recognise the impact it has on a learner’s achievement and to ensure that safeguarding requirements are met.

We set a minimum target of 97% attendance for each student and will not authorise any holiday absence during term time.

A copy of our Attendance Policy can be found on our Policies page.

Absence Reporting Procedure

On the first day of illness, we ask you to:

  • Contact the school before 8.30am on the first day of absence, either via the 24 hour absence line on 01424 211 696 or by emailing
  • Leave your child’s name, year group and reason for absence;

Keep the school informed if your child is absent for more than one day. You will need to update us daily regarding your child’s absence and the date they are expected to return.

Late Arrivals

Please ensure your child arrives punctually at school every day. School is open from 8.35am.

Registration begins at 8.45am and children need to be in school no later than 8.45am.

Children arriving after 8.45am will marked in the register as ‘Late’. Warning letters will be issued to children arriving continually late.

The registration period ends at 9am. Children arriving after 9am will be marked as unauthorised for that session.

Planned Absence

To apply for a planned absence from Rye Primary please complete and return a ‘Withdrawal from Learning’ form available in a link below or from the school office by calling into school or requesting a copy via email

Medical appointments

Parents and families should make every effort to ensure these appointments are made outside school hours. Where it cannot be avoided, pupils should attend school for as much of that day as possible.

When appointments are made during the school day, please notify the school office in advance by bringing the appointment card or letter regarding any appointment to the school office

Children Missing from Education

Children missing education are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at a school. Children missing education are at significant risk of underachieving, being victims of harm, exploitation or radicalisation, and becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) later in life. Here at Chantry Primary School, we understand effective information sharing between the school, parents/carers and external partner agencies is critical to ensuring that all pupils of compulsory school age are safe and receiving suitable education.